Friday, 18 November 2011

Between, Marginal but not Beneath

Writing on the works of Victor Turner in What is Liminality? Charles La Shure* drives toward people and hierarchal forms in society, by saying, " spatial terms, they are in between (liminality), on the edges (marginality), and beneath (inferiority)." 

The same could be said of these city-spaces except I would be prompted to mention that with will of community and legal procedure, liminal city spaces can be 'managed' and therefore be removed from the eyesore category and evolved into an alternative spaces that doesn't require much in the way of financial and time input to recreate a 'free space'.*

Oct 2005.*

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Locked gates

Locked gates

Bridge at Vernon's

Bridge at Vernon's

Percy St, Preston

Percy St, Preston
Once: a social club

Church St tiled walls

Church St tiled walls

