Sunday, 13 November 2011

Apart from the interest in open spaces that has evolved the years, there are three main things that contribute to making it an open ended and ongoing project. Walking with a camera, taking visual field notes is one, double decker bus rides through Lancashire and Google Earth. surprising I have found the latter an enormous help. All these viewpoints let a map unfold.

Locations are vital to understanding the fabric and flow of the city and its make-up.
An example in Preston is where within a short radius or square mile, I found up to ten plots of wasteland. Some were in stages of wild nature reclamation while others were in no doubt due for redevelopment; a proud sign tied to fencing reads: 'To be...'

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Locked gates

Locked gates

Bridge at Vernon's

Bridge at Vernon's

Percy St, Preston

Percy St, Preston
Once: a social club

Church St tiled walls

Church St tiled walls

